The Maurice Daumas Prize for papers on the history of technology is sponsored by the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), France, and consists of 500 Euro. Each year the prize-winning article is presented and discussed at a special session of the ICOHTEC symposium immediately following the award. An additional 300 Euro is available to the winner in support of traveling to the conference to receive the prize. The prize aims to encourage innovative scholarship in the history of technology. ICOHTEC is interested in the history of technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. There is no limitation as to theoretical or methodological approaches. The prize will be awarded to the author of the best article submitted which deals with the history of technology in any period of the past or in any part of the world and which was published in a journal or edited volume in last two consequent years. Eligible for the prize are original articles published in (or later translated into) any of the official ICOHTEC languages (English, French, German, Russian or Spanish). Submissions are welcomed from scholars of any country who are currently in graduate school or have received their doctorate within the last seven years.
Becca Jackson has won the 2023 Maurice Daumas Prize!
Thursday, August 10, 2023